Serious Play

Why do we lose our drive to play and create as we grow up out of our childhood? Playing as an adult seems almost as though it is frowned upon and judged, but this weeks topic highlighted just how important it is in creativity and as an outlet for stress or even just to have fun.

This topic made me realise how important it is to have an outlet in life, from work and the stress of studying. Even if it is not the type of playing that comes to mind when thinking of how children play, but something simple like engaging in a sport or art that you enjoy, playing can be thought of in many forms.

It was interesting to see how play was defined simply as doing something for no reason, something interesting which you could do for hours. This made the topic seem more realistic for me, and less of a daunting idea of having to set aside time every day to play with lego or barbie dolls.

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