Disruptive Technology

The disruptive technology topic explored this week gave me a new appreciation for my parents and grandparents and just how much change they have experienced in their life time. Going from an era without television or even cars to a time where the ‘smart phone’ exists and we are more connected than ever, it is…


This weeks topic of story telling was something I found could really be applied to any of my units at university and any speeches I have to undertake in my future career. Or even just when trying to relay an event to a friend in a more dramatic and interesting way. The versatility of this…

Serious Play

Why do we lose our drive to play and create as we grow up out of our childhood? Playing as an adult seems almost as though it is frowned upon and judged, but this weeks topic highlighted just how important it is in creativity and as an outlet for stress or even just to have…

Creativity, Collaboration and Social Change

This week’s topic was explored from an environmental point of view again, with the discussion of the Greenpeace advert targeting Dove products and their harm on the environment. It was brought up as an example of how businesses can creatively target social change and it was very thought provoking. Social enterprises were discussed in their…